Frequently Asked Questions
You are having a problem with:
- Canvas
- Zoom
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Qualtrics
- Camtasia and Snagit
- Respondus
- iClicker
- Integrating Publisher database in Canvas
- Studio
Canvas (Students)
- What do I do if I am unable to log into Canvas?
If you are unable to log into Canvas but have previously been able to, please make sure you are using the correct link and update any existing bookmarks to:
Also, try clearing your browser's cache by following these instructions and then try logging in:'s-CacheIf you are still unable to login, then your password might have been expired. So, please use the Password Help page to reset the password or contact IT helpdesk on 408-924-1530 to get help on resetting it.
- What do I do if I am unable to see a present course on my Canvas dashboard?
After logging in to Canvas, you can see the tiles of the courses on your dashboard. But, if you do not see a course on your dashboard, please click on 'Courses' menu on the left, then click 'All Courses' option. You will now see all the courses from the current enrollments. You can now click on the Star★ button next to the course name and attach it to your dashboard. On the other hand, if you want to remove a course tile from your dashboard, again go inside the 'All Courses' option and Unstar☆ the course.
- I just registered for my course, why am I unable to access it on Canvas?
Although you may have successfully enrolled in your course using My菠菜网lol正规平台, it could take up to 24 hours for the class to appear on Canvas. Another likely scenario is that your instructor has not made the course available yet to students. If it has been longer than 24 hours without your course appearing in Canvas then you may want to contact your professor directly about making the course available in Canvas.
- How do I allow users to view my ePortfolio?
Click on your profile in My ePortfolios and then click on ePortfolio settings on the left hand navigation menu. Check the Make it Public check box. Other users should now be able to view your ePortfolio.
- What to do when you do not see a completed course on your dashboard?
Every single course on canvas has an end date set by the Instructors of that course. The course is meant to be concluded after the students give their finals. After that, the course will be removed from the dashboard and the access to the course will be revoked. This means, the students will no longer be able to access the course after completing it.
- How long can I access my course material from previous semesters on Canvas?
You will have the access to your course material only till 30 days after the course has ended. You would need to request the course instructor incase you need the access to the course further.
- What do I do if I see a 'Page not found' error but was previously accessible?
This usually happens due to the presence of the old cache in your browser. Please clear your browser cache by following the steps given in the page Guide to clear the browser cache. If you still find a 'page not found' error when trying to access a file/assignment, then please contact the professor to notify this.
Canvas (Instructors)
- How do I import course content on Canvas?
You may use the import content option to copy the entire course or specific components from one course to another. To copy content, go to the Settings section of the course (located on the left hand navigation) you would like content to be copied into and click the Import Content into this Course button. You can now search the course you want to copy content from and select the content to be copied.
Please refer to the link below for detailed information regarding this:
- Students are not able to view my course on Canvas. How do I publish my course?
Students will be able to view your course in their Canvas student accounts only if the course has been published. To publish a course, you can click on the Course Setup Checklist button on the home page and click the Publish Course link.
- How do I enable Turnitin for my assignments?
While creating a new assignment, click on More options. Set the submission type to Online submissions. From the short list of options that appear, you will want to check the box next to Enable Turnitin Submissions. You may also click on Advanced Settings to explore more options for your Turnitin assignment.
- My courses list is too cluttered. How can I hide some of the courses?
Hover your mouse over Courses in the upper left corner in Canvas. This will show a list of courses that you are teaching (or have taught). Within the menu, click on Customize. By deselecting a check mark by a course, the course will become hidden from the My Courses section.
**Note: The courses will only be hidden from view. You can still access the hidden courses after checking it back in.
- Can I copy the content from one course to another course?
Yes. You can copy the full course content to another course. Please send a request to us on mentioning the names of the courses and we get this done for you.
- How do I host or join a Zoom meeting?
To host a zoom meeting, go to and click 'Host' button. This will launch the zoom application that is installed on your computer (If the app is not yet installed, it will prompt to download the app) and the meeting will be started in the app. Every meeting has a unique 9 digit meeting ID with which the participants can join the meeting.
On the other hand, if you want to join a meeting as a participant, go to, and you will be asked to enter the 'Meeting ID'. For more info on this, please visit our Zoom page.
- How can I schedule a Zoom meeting?
To schedule a Zoom meeting, go to and click 'Sign In'. Enter your credentials when prompted and you will see the your zoom profile page. Click 'Schedule a meeting' option. For more info, please visit Zoom page
- Where can I find my Zoom recordings?
First, log in to Zoom by visiting and locate your recordings by clicking on the My Recordings on the left-hand navigation menu.
- How to set up my Zoom account for the first time?
Your zoom account is automatically created at the time of your 菠菜网lol正规平台 account creation. All you have to do is to activate it by going to and clicking 'Sign in'. Enter your 菠菜网lol正规平台One credentials when prompted and your account is all set.
Adobe Creative Cloud
- How can I get access to the Adobe Creative Cloud software?
菠菜网lol正规平台 offers the Adobe CC, a bundle of sophisticated Adobe apps free of cost to its students, faculty, staff and administrators. It is meant to be used for the 菠菜网lol正规平台-related activities and not for personal/commercial use.
Faculty, staff & administrators: To install Adobe CC on a campus computer, contact your ITS Desktop Support Contact. To install the software on a personal computer, please fill out this Adobe Employee Request form. **Note: Only to actively employed faculty, staff and administrators are eligible to get the software
Students: To request access, please fill out the Adobe Student Request form. **Note: Only currently enrolled 菠菜网lol正规平台 students during the given semester are eligible to receive access.
- How to install the Adobe software and getting started with it?
Once you get the confirmation mail, kindly follow the steps mentioned in the guide: Adobe-installation [pdf] to install the software and to start using it. Please mail us on if you run into trouble.
- What to do if you see 'Start Trial' or purchase option inside the Adobe CC?
If you see trial, then your Adobe CC is running on your personal 菠菜网lol正规平台 account and not on the free enterprise account. If so, logout of the your account and login with the enterprise account by following the steps after step 4 mentioned in the Adobe Install Guide [pdf].
- How do I embed a Qualtrics Survey on a Canvas Page?
Please visit: [pdf] for a step-by-step tutorial on how to embed your survey in your Canvas course.
- How can I share and collaborate my survey with other users?
Log into Qualtrics by visiting and click on the 'Projects' button in the upper right corner. Locate the survey you wish to collaborate on and click on the Collaborate button on the lower right side of the screen.
Type in the e-mail addresses of the user(s) you would like to share the survey with. Once you enter the e-mail address in the box provided, click on Add. Next, you can select the options you want to share with that particular user. A number of access options will appear to grant to that user. Once you have selected how much access to give to a user, click Save.
- How do I view the results of my survey?
Once logged in Qualtrics, click on the View Results tab. You may download survey results in either Excel, Word, or PDF formats. Settings to rearrange or reorder/sort rows/columns of data in results are also available.
- How do I distribute a survey in Qualtrics?
Once logged in Qualtrics, click on the Distribute Survey tab. The various options are copying survey link and posting in public web pages, social media sites. Alternatively, you may email the survey link to the participants by clicking on the Email survey option.
Respondus (Instructors)
- How do I setup a quiz with Respondus LockDown Browser enabled?
After you have created a quiz, click on the Edit Quiz button (pencil icon). Different quiz options should now appear on your screen. Click on Restrict this quiz checkbox. Now, select the Require Respondus LockDown Browser checkbox. Click on the Save button after making these changes. Publish your quiz to make it accessible to students.
Respondus (Students)
- How do I take a quiz within Respondus?
Select the quiz in your course. Canvas will prompt you to launch the LockDown Browser application. If LockDown Browser is not installed, click Download Respondus LockDown Browser. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the LockDown Browser. Once installed, open the LockDown Browser application. Select the Learning Management System, Canvas, to launch. You may now navigate the browser to view the desired quiz.
- Can I download the Respondus Lockdown Browser from within Canvas before my quiz is
No, Respondus Lockdown Browser is available for download only after the quiz is made available. Alternatively, you can download San Jose State's Respondus lockdown Browser by via the following link:
Camtasia & Snagit
- How can I request a license key to install Camtasia and/or Snagit?
You may request a license key for either software by filling out the request form for Snagit and/or Camtasia. You will receive an e-mail within one (1) business day of submitting a request containing information about the product, installation procedure, and license key.
- Can I installed Camtasia and/or Snagit on my home computer?
Yes! You may install either software on your personal computer. The contract signed includes a Home Use Program (HUP) for current 菠菜网lol正规平台 faculty and staff..
- My department has hired a Student Assistant that we would like to work on Camtasia
videos. Can our Student Assistant use Camtasia?
The Student Assistant is allowed to use Camtasia so long that it is on a computer purchased by 菠菜网lol正规平台 (e.g., The Mathematics Department purchased a laptop with Camtasia/Snagit installed so that the Student Assistant may work on projects).
- Are there any differences between Camtasia Studio (Windows) and Camtasia for Mac?
Although TechSmith is currently working on bringing both Camtasia Studio (Windows) and Camtasia for Mac to similar features, currently there are several differences which can be found at: [pdf]
- How soon should I request to use iClicker in my classroom?
iClicker request should be submitted 2-3 weeks prior to the semester starting to ensure that there is enough time to set up your account, create your course, and add instructional links in your Canvas course.
- I have over 200 students registered for my course and I plan to use the iClicker mobile
application, so they do not need to use remote clickers. Do I need to purchase anything?
No! eCampus has a site license available to deploy to your students if you plan to use iClicker in your classroom at no cost.
- I use Canvas to keep track of student grades. Can I integrate graded iClicker sessions
into Canvas without having to manually entering scores?
Yes, you can sync your scores to Canvas. Please contact for more information.
Integrating Publisher Database In Canvas
- Can I integrate my course with any publisher's database like McGraw-Hill Connect?
Yes, Canvas can be integrated with products like: McGraw-Hill Connect, Macmillan Education, Cengage Learning MindTap, and Pearson's MyLab & Mastering.
Please visit: Integrating External Applications in Canvas for more information.
- What file formats does Studio support?
Studio supports H.264 video playback.
Supported Video Formats
flv – Flash Video
asf – Windows Media
qt – Apple QuickTime
mov – Apple QuickTime
mpg – Digital Video Format
mpeg – Digital Video Format
avi – Digital Video Format
m4v – Digital Video Format
wmv – Windows Media
mp4 – Digital Video Format
3gp – Multimedia Mobile FormatSupported Audio Formats
Studio will accept the following audio files for playback:
mp3 – Digital Audio Format
wma – Windows Media Audio
wav – Waveform Audio File Format
- Why did my video upload fail?
There are a few common things that cause uploaded videos to fail processing:
1. Your Quicktime file has external references. Quicktime allows you to edit videos, including adding pieces of separate video files. Unfortunately, saving from Quicktime merely references pieces of separate videos, which means that they’re not included in the file that’s uploaded.
2. Your video file contains a portion of either audio or video that is not supported.
3. Your video file is corrupt or its format is unidentifiable and doesn’t match the file extension.
- As an instructor, when grading a Studio assignment submission, why don't I see a comment
This is related to your browser and computer screen size. One tip: If you are zoomed into 100%, try adjusting it to 90%.
- As a student, can I download Studio videos?
At this time while students can download videos they submitted, they cannot download the comments they received on their video submission.
If you did not find an answer to your question, email us at